135 research outputs found

    Vergleich von IaaS-Anbietern

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    Cloud Computing ist zurzeit eines der zentralen Themen in der Informatik. Wenn man allerdings einmal hinter die Wand aus Modewörtern blickt, wird sehr schnell klar, dass es sich hierbei nicht etwa um neue Technologien handelt, sondern viel mehr um das Konzept, klassische IT-Infrastrukturen zu abstrahieren. Es ist nun möglich, Ressourcen wie Rechenleistung und Datenspeicher, dynamisch an den tatsächlichen Bedarf anzupassen. Dies führt zu einer nie da gewesenen Flexibilität bei gleichzeitig überschaubaren Kosten. Allerdings merkt man dem Markt an, dass er noch relativ jung ist. Viele der angebotenen Dienstleistungen sind nicht standardisiert und jeder Anbieter tritt mit einem eigenen Vokabular auf. Es ist deshalb sehr schwierig, eine fundierte Anbieterauswahl zu treffen, und es werden harte Auswahlkriterien benötigt. Mit dieser Ausarbeitung sollen wiederverwendbare Bewertungskriterien definiert und am Beispiel von fünf IaaS-Anbietern exemplarisch durchgespielt werden. Ferner sollen verschiedene Anwendungsszenarien als Entscheidungshilfe für die Auswahl des passenden Dienstleisters dienen

    Problemas do discurso de Deepak Chopra: uma análise metalinguística de “A cura quântica”

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    Neste artigo, nosso objetivo é contribuir para o debate sobre o misticismo quântico, explorando aspectos discursivos que permeiam um enunciado com tal tema. Para tanto, realizamos uma análise metalinguística do livro A cura quântica de Deepak Chopra, com base na filosofia da linguagem do Círculo de Bakhtin. Investigamos não apenas as estratégias argumentativas do autor, mas também conectamos os elementos constitutivos desse enunciado (tema, estrutura e estilo) com seu contexto de produção e publicação. A partir da análise reconhecemos a incoerência de Chopra ao sintetizar visões de mundo místicas e alternativas e uma visão de mundo científica repleta de metáforas inconsistentes e graves contradições, mas destacando como o autor conseguiu influenciar o modo como conceitos relacionados à Física Quântica são mobilizados fora do contexto acadêmico.In this article, our objective is to make some contributions to the debate around the “quantum mysticism” phenomenon, exploring discursive aspects that permeate an utterance with this kind of theme. To this end, we bring forth an analysis of the book Quantum healing by Deepak Chopra, based on the philosophy of the Bakhtin Circle. We investigate not only the author's argumentative strategies, but we also connect the constituent elements of this utterance (theme, structure and style) with its context of publication, production and reception. We end our arguments recognizing the incoherence that Chopra demonstrates with his intertwining of mystical and alternative conceptions with a scientific worldview, while uttering inconsistent metaphors and serious contradictions, but we also highlight that the author was able to influence the way in which concepts related to Quantum Physics circulate outside the academia

    The systemic philosophy of Fritjof Capra : an ecological look at Physics and at Physics Teaching

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    Neste artigo, apresentamos a Filosofia Sistêmica de Fritjof Capra. A partir de sua obra é possível distinguir a existência de dois paradigmas (entendidos como molduras filosóficas) no desenvolvimento da ciência moderna: o paradigma mecanicista, inspirado pela Física Clássica, e o novo paradigma, articulado a partir da Física Moderna. Segundo Capra, os problemas complexos do mundo contemporâneo podem ser mais bem enfrentados pelo novo paradigma. Para abordar o tema, apresentamos uma discussão sobre a visão de Capra acerca da natureza da ciência, da Filosofia da Física Clássica e da Filosofia da Física Moderna e suas repercussões em diferentes contextos culturais. Por fim, propomos uma extrapolação do pensamento de Capra indicando possíveis implicações de seu trabalho para a Educação em Ciências, para o Ensino de Física e suas respectivas áreas de pesquisa.In this article, we present the Systemic Philosophy of Fritjof Capra. From his work it is possible to distinguish the existence of two paradigms (understood as philosophical frameworks) in the development of modern science: the mechanistic paradigm, inspired by Classical Physics, and the new paradigm, articulated from Modern Physics. According to Capra, the new paradigm deals better with the complex problems of the contemporary world. To introduce this subject, we present a discussion of Capra's view of the nature of science, of the Philosophy of Classical Physics and of the Philosophy of Modern Physics and its repercussions in different cultural contexts. Finally, we propose an extrapolation of Capra's thinking, indicating possible implications of his work for Science Education, Physics Teaching and their respective areas of research

    What Consensus? Ideology, Politics and Elections Still Matter

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    This article, which was prepared for an ABA Antitrust Section Panel, discusses the role of ideology and politics in antitrust enforcement and the impact of elections in the last twenty year on enforcement and policy at the federal antitrust agencies. The article explains the differences in antitrust ideologies and their impact on policy preferences. The article then uses a database of civil non-merger complaints by the DOJ and FTC over the last three Presidential administrations to analyze changes in the number, type and other characteristics of antitrust enforcement. It also discusses change in vertical merger enforcement and other antirust policies such as amicus briefs, reports and guidelines. The article concludes that elections do matter and that the impact of elections on the DOJ and FTC has differed significantly

    The Coverage Problem in Video-Based Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

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    Wireless sensor networks typically consist of a great number of tiny low-cost electronic devices with limited sensing and computing capabilities which cooperatively communicate to collect some kind of information from an area of interest. When wireless nodes of such networks are equipped with a low-power camera, visual data can be retrieved, facilitating a new set of novel applications. The nature of video-based wireless sensor networks demands new algorithms and solutions, since traditional wireless sensor networks approaches are not feasible or even efficient for that specialized communication scenario. The coverage problem is a crucial issue of wireless sensor networks, requiring specific solutions when video-based sensors are employed. In this paper, it is surveyed the state of the art of this particular issue, regarding strategies, algorithms and general computational solutions. Open research areas are also discussed, envisaging promising investigation considering coverage in video-based wireless sensor networks

    Dysregulated Expression of Neuregulin-1 by Cortical Pyramidal Neurons Disrupts Synaptic Plasticity

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    SummaryNeuregulin-1 (NRG1) gene variants are associated with increased genetic risk for schizophrenia. It is unclear whether risk haplotypes cause elevated or decreased expression of NRG1 in the brains of schizophrenia patients, given that both findings have been reported from autopsy studies. To study NRG1 functions in vivo, we generated mouse mutants with reduced and elevated NRG1 levels and analyzed the impact on cortical functions. Loss of NRG1 from cortical projection neurons resulted in increased inhibitory neurotransmission, reduced synaptic plasticity, and hypoactivity. Neuronal overexpression of cysteine-rich domain (CRD)-NRG1, the major brain isoform, caused unbalanced excitatory-inhibitory neurotransmission, reduced synaptic plasticity, abnormal spine growth, altered steady-state levels of synaptic plasticity-related proteins, and impaired sensorimotor gating. We conclude that an “optimal” level of NRG1 signaling balances excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission in the cortex. Our data provide a potential pathomechanism for impaired synaptic plasticity and suggest that human NRG1 risk haplotypes exert a gain-of-function effect

    Molecular Biomechanics: The Molecular Basis of How Forces Regulate Cellular Function

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    Recent advances have led to the emergence of molecular biomechanics as an essential element of modern biology. These efforts focus on theoretical and experimental studies of the mechanics of proteins and nucleic acids, and the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of stress transmission, mechanosensing and mechanotransduction in living cells. In particular, single-molecule biomechanics studies of proteins and DNA, and mechanochemical coupling in biomolecular motors have demonstrated the critical importance of molecular mechanics as a new frontier in bioengineering and life sciences. To stimulate a more systematic study of the basic issues in molecular biomechanics, and attract a broader range of researchers to enter this emerging field, here we discuss its significance and relevance, describe the important issues to be addressed and the most critical questions to be answered, summarize both experimental and theoretical/computational challenges, and identify some short-term and long-term goals for the field. The needs to train young researchers in molecular biomechanics with a broader knowledge base, and to bridge and integrate molecular, subcellular and cellular level studies of biomechanics are articulated.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant UO1HL80711-05 to GB)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant R01GM076689-01)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant R01AR033236-26)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant R01GM087677-01A1)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant R01AI44902)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant R01AI38282)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant CMMI-0645054)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant CBET-0829205)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant CAREER-0955291
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